nec2c is a translation of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code
(NEC2) from FORTRAN to C. Operationally nec2c differs from NEC2 by
being a command line non-interactive program, taking as arguments
the input file name and optionally the output file name. While
translating NEC2 to C I also took the liberty of changing the
output format somewhat, without realizing at the time that I was
making it incompatible with visualizing software such as xnecview.
Others, though, have taken nec2c and restored the output format
while improving its functionality and speed, as well as building a
C++ library based on nec2c.
Since version 0.6, nec2c incorporates a fix for a bug that was
inherited from the original NEC2 FORTRAN code. This has been kindly
fixed by G. Burke and you can read more details about it

Read more details on-line or
download nec2c's

Download source
package of
xnec2c is a GTK+ graphical interactive version of nec2c. It
incorporates the nec2c core which it uses for reading input files
and calculating output data, but it does not need and indeed does
not produce an output file by default. Since xnec2c incorporates
the nec2c core, it has access to all internal buffers, including
structure data, frequency-related data (structure currents, input
impedance, gain etc) and radiation pattern data (for the far field
and near field). It therefore has the ability to graphically
display user-requested data directly, as the frequency loop
progresses or after input from the user. Graphs of
frequency-related data and the current or charge distribution
evolve as the frequency loop progresses, and radiation patterns
(far and near field) are sequentially drawn for each frequency
step. A new frequency can be entered by the user from spin buttons
in the main or radiation pattern windows or by clicking on the
graphs of frequency-related data. New output data are then computed
and displayed in text and graphical form.
Xnec2c now has a dedicated website:
Eric, KJ7LNW, has created a dedicated
website for xnec2c.
Eric has been hard at work developing new features for xnec2c,
including automatic optimization of antennas, multi-threading to
speed the responsiveness of the GUI, accelerated linear algebra
support and more. The latest source code of xnec2c is now available
as well.

Read more details on-line or download xnec2c's

Download the (last!) source package of
xnec2c with a GTK+-2

Download the source package of
xnec2c with a GTK+-3
necsym is a bash script written by Chris Maple to enable the use of
defined or calculated symbols in NEC2 files. Commonly used
parameters in a NEC2 file can be represented by symbols that may
either be defined with a numerical value or calculated by
mathematical formulae. necsym then compiles these necsym files into
a NEC2 compatible file and invokes xnec2c to process them.
Screen shots of xnec2c
These are screen shots of xnec2c displaying structure currents and
charges, frequency-related data and radiation patterns.
Click on the thumbnails for the full-sized images.
Current distribution
in the structure |
data: Gain, VSWR, Zi |
Radiation pattern:
Transparent wire grid |